Zappagram #76: Justice for Tupac

Zappagram #76: Justice for Tupac

Hey Zappagramers,

As most of you know by this point, I had to publish the podcast separately from the newsletter this week due to the fact that sometimes life gets in the way of one’s best-laid plans. It happens.

However, I feel that this week’s show is a good one and I hope that you all enjoy it. Please forgive the fact that you’re getting two emails from me this week. I plan to be back on track soon and next week’s show and newsletter should arrive as one single email.

Thanks to all for your generous support. Have a great week everyone!

Follow me on Threads, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, or Medium for more music-related content. Check out the “Will Work For Vinyl” t-shirts available in my shop. Subscribe to the podcast here on Substack or wherever you get your podcasts.

Until next week, friends…
